Napier Building Access Statement
There is no step-free access and 3 standard height steps, with no handrail. There is nearby general car parking open to staff and students, padded seating and a gender neutral toilet. This isn’t an accessible toilet. There isn’t a hearing loop or BSL interpreter. A quiet space can be arranged by request at the event.
Roof and Telescopes
There are approximately 15 standard-height steps to access the roof and telescope domes. The dome rooms are dimly lit with red light. The telescopes are accessed using step ladders, with up to 5 steps available. The roof is flat with a half-height wall around its edge.
You can contact us about access on where your enquiry will be dealt with confidentially and respectfully. Feedback about any aspect of AstroSoc can be given through our Contact page or anonymously on our Feedback Form.
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